Monday, October 1, 2012

Dieting for Children Guide

It is difficult in the world we live in to watch as so many children are literally overburdening their bodies at such young ages by being overweight. These children simply cannot run, jump, and play with the other children because their bodies simply will not allow them to do so. For these children, dieting is almost a necessity despite our best efforts to insulate them from the self-esteem issues that often accompany obesity.

If you have a child that is well outside the normal weight range for his or her age you are the one who must make the efforts and take the necessary steps to insure they shed those pounds in order to live a life that is as close to normal as possible. The first thing you need to do however is consult with your child’s doctor about the best possible course of action that will also safeguard the health of your child.

Put quite frankly however, if you do not take the efforts to assist your child in shedding those pounds you are placing the health of your child at risk. We do not let our children play in the street, we don’t let them run with knives, why on earth would we allow them to commit suicide by Twinkie? If you have a child that is overweight, the following tips should help you and them with their dieting.

First of all, do not make food a punishment or a reward. Food is part of the problem with your children and you do not need to use it against them. Instead, introduce them to healthy alternatives. Do not keep the junk in the house and do not let them purchase lunch at school. Pack their lunches for school so that you know what they are eating. If you don’t give them junk food they cannot have it when at home and you can work to insure that they can’t get their hands on junk food when they leave the house.

Incorporate healthy snacks into your families eating plan rather than junk food. Fresh fruit, cut up vegetables, nuts, and frozen yogurt are good healthy snacks for your kids. When in doubt consult the food pyramid but watch calories in the process. You want your children to eat a well balanced diet while eliminating junk food and sweets for the best result.

Cut out the juices and pop. This may be a huge ordeal in your house but the greatest gift you can offer your child is a deep and abiding appreciation for water. Water works to make their bellies feel full and keeps them hydrated for the added activities you should be introducing into their routines.

Have them take dance, take up a sport, or simply get out and run around the yard. The worst thing you can do is to allow your children to become comatose television, computer, or video game zombies. Get them out and get them active. This helps in two ways. First of all, they aren’t eating if they are outside playing and having a good time. Second, they are burning calories as they play which is a huge bonus in the dieting process for your children.

As your child begins to take off the weight you should begin to notice a very profound difference in not only the way he or she carries his or herself but also in his or her interactions with others. Your child will experience restored and renewed self-confidence as the pounds come off and the teasing at school stops.

If you are at a complete loss as to how to help your child take the weight off there are camps that are designed specifically to deal with weight issues and building self-esteem in children ages 7-19. One of these camps may be just the answer you are looking for. Another thing to consider is to lead by example. If you don’t eat the junk food, if you are active, and if you do not engage in emotional overeating your child will not be learning those behaviors from you or having them reinforced by you.

Monday, July 9, 2012

How dieting can affect weight loss

Excess weight is often referred to by the term obesity. This is a condition where the body accumulates more fat than is being processed or burned by the normal metabolism. In many cases, this can be genetic but in most, there is obviously a diet problem that needs to be reconsidered.

Obesity is measured in what is called body mass index or BMI according to the fitness and medical circles. BMI is arrived at by dividing weight by height and then squaring the result. A BMI of 25-29kg/m is considered overweight. Obesity is dangerous. Medical research shows that the chances of a heart attack are exponentially increased the higher the BMI goes. People who are overweight also struggle with a myriad of other complications. For instance, obese people also have to deal with a low self-esteem because the general mass media pushes the image of the slim model as the ideal. Clothes are also had to find and one has to shop at special stores. More problems include sleep irregularities and the risk of a stroke.

How does diet help? Researchers and nutritionists report that there is a correlation between weight loss and dieting. Education is key. Reading the labels when shopping is recommended. There are some foods which have a higher calorie content than others and knowing this will put one in the right track. By education, we also mean that you should familiarize yourself with the food pyramid. You can easily access this at the food pyramid website which is supported by the Food and Drug Administration.

Dieting does not always mean starving yourself. It can mean that you are taking precautions as to what you eat. That means cooking with oils such as olive oil which has healthy fats and does not encourage fat accumulation. Animal fats should be avoided if possible.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Causes of obesity-Tips and Guide

New information from weight loss researchers and nutritionists shows that over 300,000 people die each year from complications resulting from obesity. Obesity is a major problem in the United States and now many other parts of the world. This is where the body accumulates more fat than is being burned by normal metabolism and this causes fat deposits to begin to build up in the belly area, thighs, buttocks and even waist.

The problem of obesity is so acute that some schools especially in Atlanta Georgia have began to offer strictly vegetarian diets to their students and the students have embraced this diet well. So what causes obesity?

There is one cause of weight gain that is rather unfortunate-genetics. Sometimes, it is easy to judge people from appearance and form an opinion that their excess weight is as a result of irresponsible eating habits. But doctors report that there are people with genetic maladjustments that cause a problem with the way the body processes food. There are also problems that cause an under-performing thyroid gland that ultimately causes the body metabolism to slow and therefore and accumulation of fat. So one reason why some people are overweight is because of genetic issues.

Another reason why some people might have a weight problem is because they have an eating disorder. In the same token that there are eating disorders which cause bulimia, there are disorders that run in the opposite direction and cause compulsive eating and an abnormal appetitive. A disorder called Pica even has its victims craving non-foods (earth, pens, pencils and anything close by). These disorders which cause excessive eating can be treated and the person can resume normal eating habits.

Another reason for obesity is off course leading a sedentary life of little or no activity. This is common in the West where people use cars to go even short distances.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dieting for Success Making it Happen Tips

Dieting is far too often approached from the mindset of impending failure. Too many people have tried and failed so many diets in their past that they try the next new diet with the absolute knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Guess what? They will.

Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or think you can’t you will always be right.” If you think you are going to fail at this diet you are dooming yourself to failure before you even deprive yourself of the first bite. Think about that before you begin because only a true masochist could find pleasure in perpetuating this vicious cycle without ever stopping to wonder why none of the other diets have worked for you. Henry Ford also said, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”. In case you were wondering I would say his words are quite profound. Seriously though, if you do not examine the reasons for your failures you are certainly dooming yourself to repeat them and if you are already planning to fail why on earth would you even try?

You are the only person who can take control of your need to eat. You are the only one who can pay attention and notice when you are eating for emotional fulfillment and when you are eating from necessity. You and you alone can get yourself out of your chair and on your feet. You are the only one that can take the responsibility for the condition in which you find yourself. There are medical exceptions but even in these situations if you are trying diet after diet and failing over and over again then you must at some point in time realize that it is quite likely not the diets that aren’t working.

We must all be accountable for our successes and failures in life. It is no different when it comes to dieting. There are few better feelings in the world than for someone to notice and compliment your efforts. If you are very obese unfortunately, it may take a little more time for people to actually notice the weight you’ve lost. Too many men and women give up simply because no one noticed and that is an incredible shame. Give your dieting practices an opportunity to work before you decide they are a failure and you just might surprise yourself with a roaring success.

The truth is far too few people hold themselves accountable to their dieting and weight loss goals. This means that far too many people are giving up without really ever bothering to give it an effort. If you have an issue holding yourself accountable to your dieting plans, perhaps you would do well to diet with a partner. This helps you not only set goals but also to meet and exceed challenges along the way. A partner can also benefit from the partnership as he or she will be challenged and feel the need to perform better than if he or she were dieting alone.

You must hold yourself accountable to your stated dieting and weight loss goals in order to achieve any lasting results. If you have not had dieting success in the past, then perhaps it is time to bring some degree of accountability into the picture and make it happen.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tips on losing weight

Being overweight has its inherent dangers and can even result in death. Ask the 300,000 to 400,000 people who die each year in the United States due to weight-related complications across the board. Weight gain, which is also known as obesity, is defined as having a BMI or body mass index of 25-59. Body mass index is calculated by dividing weight with height and then squaring the answer.

Many people have realized the dangers of having a BMI that is above the recommended figure. Overweight people suffer from low self-esteem, lack of sleep or sleeping disorders, chronic fatigue and even a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. Obesity also depresses the body’s immune system thereby making it susceptible to a malady of ailments from the common cold to the full blown flu.

There are however, ways to beat weight gain. One of them is to educate you regarding nutrition. It is surprising to note just how many people cook food or eat food without the slightest regard to what is contained in those foods or how many calories are therein. This is common. But it can change. Whenever you buy food at the grocery store, read the label and see what ingredients and locked up in the food and how many calories are there. Also search online for weight loss forums where people are discussing nutrition issues and you will get a treasure drove of information on how to eat right and become healthier.

The Internet also affords you information on the right recipes and how to eat the foods that have the right nutrition mix. The food pyramid website managed by the USFDA has a ton of information regarding proper nutrition and should be in everyone’s arsenal in the battle to lose weight. Exercise is off course another great way.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to lose inches from your body Tip and Guide

A cursory glance at the Internet and the media in general will tell you that almost everyone is obsessed with the way they look, or in other words, many people want to become leaner. This is because people have learnt the dangers of possessing a BMI or body mass index that is higher than recommended by doctors and nutritionists.

To learn what your BMI is, ask your doctor whenever you pay him or her a visit and she will be most glad to inform you or simply go to the food pyramid website that is run by the USFDA. Losing inches from one’s body has become paramount for most people. This is because close to 400,000 people die every year in the United States because of complications arising from being overweight. This is because being overweight poses a variety of problems one of them being the high risk of stroke and heart attacks that come from major arteries being blocked by trans fat deposits. Another problem is low self-esteem and others include poor breathing, sleep disorders, low immunity to diseases and chronic fatigue which comes from the body struggling to supply the entire body mass with blood and oxygen.

One of the best ways to lose weight is to exercise regularly. Obesity especially in the US comes from living a lifestyle which is devoid of any form of exercise. Enrolling at the gym is a sure start and if your budget does not allow you then you can start by walking around your compound or neighborhood.
Another way is watching one’s diet. Deliberately choosing food that has low trans fats and low on carbohydrates definitely puts weight gain on a notice. You can also search the Internet for dietary plans and enroll in them if your budget permits. Some are costly but most are within the reach of the average person.